
Future: Enamel Pin Collection

Created by Chunky Tomato

A pin collection inspired by Steven Universe the show and the movie!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick update about surveys!!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 08:37:37 PM

Hey y’all! Slight delay with surveys cause I couldn’t fix an error and had to delete and start over from scratch!! Sorry about that - will be getting them to you ASAP!!

Campaign has finished!! I can't believe we've come so far!!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 06, 2020 at 09:44:03 PM

Hi everyone! First and foremost, THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING CAMPAIGN!!

Because of your amazing support, I can bring 20 pins to life!!! I'm so grateful to all of you for loving and backing this project, and for walking this same journey as we all watched this beautiful show come to an end! While I didn't get to make everything I wanted, I'm hoping I can have a part 2 at some point to fill some of the other requests I received. Nevertheless, it means so much to me to have you believe in my work, and I hope I can bring you as much joy as you've brought me!

Now that the campaign is over, I want to talk about some logistics as many of you probably have not used Kickstarter or some adjacent services before, so I'll explain them here.

1. Choosing your pins

On Kickstarter/Backerkit, you choose your pins by filling out a survey that will be sent to you some time after the campaign is over. I will email everyone with an update once surveys go out and you will be notified! These surveys are not set in stone - you will be able to go back and edit your choices as I won't close them until the pins are ready to ship. Furthermore, you will be able to update your address if it changes over time as production usually takes a while!  You will also be able to add more items onto your pledge! Which brings me to the subject of:

2. The Add-On Store

There will be a step in the surveys where you will be able to shop for more items. It includes any of the pins from this campaign, any free stickers you might like, or even items from my outside store!

This is where your manual pledge input comes in! The extra amount that you pledged beyond your tier during the campaign ends up as credit in the store, which means you add whatever extra pins you wanted at this stage! It's neat, because it means that if you wanted a certain pin but changed your mind, you could choose another pin instead. It's a whole new world of choice! 

It also works similarly to a regular store, so if you wanted to add more to your purchase and use your credit card to buy, you can do that too!

Note: your base tier pins AKA what reward you pledged for are the only items that you cannot really change! So if you pledged for 2 $13 pins but added on an amount for an $11 pin, your survey questions will be for those two $13 pins, which you have committed to! The $11 dollar pin can be changed to whatever pin you'd like - you could switch it to a $16 pin instead and pay the remaining balance, etc. 

Preview of the backerkit store

3. Production timeline

Since the start of this campaign, COVID-19 has basically put the universe on pause, and my town as well as factories are no exception. Everything is a little bit slower by now, which means I'll have to update the timeline. I anticipate things taking a bit longer and for everything to arrive in June/July. A lot of these pins are quite complex and I don't want to rush my manufacturers into giving me poor quality, especially since they are working through a gigantic backlog from the earlier shutdowns in China. Moreover, the Postal Service may be a bit slow as well. I ask you during this difficult time to be patient with me, the factories, the Postal Workers, as we all try to go about business as usual!

Those are the main concerns I've seen so far! Let me know if I can address anything else for you in the comments!

I anticipate I will send out the surveys sometime next week, as I'm still in the middle of preparing everything! Thanks again for your patience and for making this an amazing run! I'm really excited to see these pins in person! Let's get crackin'!

Renaissance Pink Diamond + Interest check for designs! Last 12 hours!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 06, 2020 at 01:01:25 AM

Hi all! It's the home stretch!! 12 hours left till it's over! Wanted to make an update with PD before it was all done with and also announce that I will be saving A Single Pale Rose for my next SU kickstarter along with other ideas! I received A LOT of requests for more designs and I think I'll have to save them for a part 2 as this is a lot to get produced all at once! 

Also please scroll down and tell me in the comments if you're interested in any of these designs besides Pink! If so, I will see about having them made this round!

Pink Diamond:

Rough Sketch of Lapis Mirror Pin/Keychain

I thought of this one literally today so pardon the rough sketch, but I wanted to make a lapis mirror keychain OR pin! Which do you think it would work better as? Is anyone interested? The middle circle would be on a swivel so it would rotate!

 Peridot the curious Dorito:

Uncle Grandpa Pearl:

3 DAYS LEFT! Renaissance White Diamond Now Available!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 08:38:11 PM

I may have to make some adjustments to her so she works as a pin, but they should be relatively minor! 

Renaissance White Diamond - $16

-Gold Plating

-Black Glitter

-White Iridescent Glitter


-Recessed metal detailing

4 Days Left! Renaissance Yellow Diamond now available!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 05:12:14 PM

Here's Yellow Diamond! I'll be releasing White and Pink later this week as well. All the diamonds belong to the $16 tier! They'll be about 2.5" tall which I figured out after talking with my manufacturer about the minimum size. :)